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Interpretation of the Free Tarot of Love Card Reading

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An invitation is making you anxious. You are invited into an environment that is not your own (either it is not yet your own or else you mistakenly believe it is not your own). Although you think it would still be better to accept this invitation, you are nervous and hesitate to give your answer. Despite your presence at this meeting being legitimate and ardently desired, you are confronted by an inner feeling akin to that of the “imposter syndrome”. Yet you have no need to fear dealing with this invitation. You must relax and overcome your fears. Once there, you will have a very good time and you will experience every minute of this event intensely. Take advantage of this opportunity because new doors are opening to you. You are a great person and your skills are unique. You must stop doubting your abilities because you have a talent without parallel and people have a lot to learn from you.

A person loves you and sometimes shows it in a rather unpleasant manner (creating tensions). This person, in fact, is jealous and does not like to see you participate in certain activities that put you in a direct relationship with potential rivals (on the romantic level). What needs to be done so that this situation does not create a coldness (or conflict) between you two? Yet you have no malicious intentions, so why so much suspicion for so little? You are someone who is devoted to those you love, but you must avoid submitting to demands that may be deemed too severe in comparison with what you do. Yes, you have to assert yourself, but you will have to find the right way to act so that the problem does not get worse. On the other hand, if this person dramatizes everything, it is perhaps not up to you to demonstrate your goodwill. In short, no matter what this person thinks, everything indicates that it is by showing yourself to be a little more independent that you will manage to best get your message across. If this person really loves you, he/she will simply have to learn to trust you. Otherwise, what kind of love are we speaking about?

An interpersonal relationship is getting more and more complicated and is about to become extremely unpleasant. Be wary of someone in your surroundings. This person is part of your relatives. It is a woman. She is selfish and spiteful. You will have to avoid putting your happiness and your personal projects at risk because of her requests that are selfish and/or downright foolish. This woman is shameless and is trying to stop you from flourishing with a family that you want. Your family plans do not suit her and she is looking to distance you from a (some) person (people) that you love. A major decision is to be taken and you will imperatively need to consider "your" needs rather than hers. This woman has no sensitivity with regards to what you feel inside, and all that matters to her is "her own" small personal happiness (excessive selfishness). Be careful, because this woman is very clever (psychologically) to manipulate others, and she can have a strong influence on the people around you (a negative influence against you). She can make life very hard for you if you react too impulsively to her malicious attacks. So act with intelligence, but especially with "maturity," if you want her actions to have the least impact possible on your daily life. You can manage to be dominant with regards to her, but only on the condition that it is wisdom, and not frustration, that guides your behavior with her.

A significant improvement is to be expected on the financial side. There will be a very significant rise in your assets (cash, savings, investments, real estate, property, buildings, etc.) You will reach a peak never before reached in your personal life. You will change, improve, or refine your investment strategy and you will discover new ways (personal and unique to you) to manage your portfolio. You will better understand market tendencies (market, shares, securities, real estate transactions, etc.) and your investments will be much more profitable. You will make acquisitions that will have a great symbolic value for you, but which will also give you greater public awareness. Your flair and patience in business will enrich you and, as such, the next few years will be very critical for your long-term future. Clearly, in 4 or 5 years, you will be in a position to benefit from the privileges that have long been denied to you, and you will get to enjoy the things that have always been inaccessible to you.

A child (a boy) will become a part of your life in an unusual way. He will bring you support that you normally expect to receive from an adult rather than a child. This support will seem quite confusing, but it will increase your happiness and undoubtedly make you grow in the way you see things and interact with people. The love you will have for this child will be immeasurable. This child will be loving, playful, but also stubborn. Although he will ask you many questions, paradoxically, he will be the one who will bring more answers to your concerns. This child is closely associated with a move. Moreover, this move is related to a change of job or a promotion at the professional level. You should therefore expect to experience very happy events coming consecutively one after the other. Your uncertainty will fade to make room for a great self-esteem. You will have more confidence in your abilities and you will be successful in your work like never before. You will win in competitions and rivalries, and a great zest for life will settle permanently in your life.

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